Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Spastic weather

So I know I'm beyond horrible at blogging but hopefully I'll get all caught up this summer once school's over (only 6 more weeks!).
But, in the meantime... Utah weather is crazy! It's amazing the changes that can take place on the same day only 45 minutes away from another place.
Case and point: (This happened about a month ago but I had a similar experience this morning)

So, I woke up and opened my door to this...
Close to 2 feet of snow
The snow was so heavy it broke one of the branches on one of our trees.

I hopped in my car, dressed in full snow gear, only to get to work 45 minutes later where it looked like this...
not a speck of snow, and complete sunshine!

This morning I woke up to dark storm clouds and snow on my car, got on the freeway where it started hailing, then I encountered rain. Got to work and once again it was blue skies and sunny, but very windy. So, today I encountered snow, hail, rain, blue skies, sunshine, and wind all within 45 minutes. Only in Utah!!! Welcome springtime! Please warm up soon!

All this crazy weather is making me miss the beautiful weather and water from my cruise 2 weeks ago. I want to go back ASAP!

I mean, look how gorgeous this is! (This is the view from our balcony room on the way to Puerto Vallarta)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Motherly moments...

I think those who have worked as teachers have those motherly-like moments as I like to call them. Times where you feel like you spend so much time with your students or know them so well that you could pick them out from a crowd just by the way they run or recognize their handwriting even when they forgot to write their name on the paper much like a mother is able to pick out the sound of her baby's cry amongst other crying babies.

Today I was sitting in my room taking attendance right after my kiddos left to go to APE. My paras had come in the room earlier and said that "N" was not on the bus and was absent today. As I was sitting at my desk I heard a noise, not even a word, and said aloud to another adult in my classroom "that sounded like N." She kind of looked at me like I was crazy since I had just been told he was absent but then low and behold I walked down to meet my kids in APE and there was Mr. N just sitting there with the class. The best part is when I thought I heard him he was probably 50+ yards down the hall with other students walking and talking in the hall at the same time but I was able to pick out his voice.

I love the time I get to spend with these kiddos and the opportunity I have to get to know them so well.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

um... that's way too cold to even think about going outside for recess

A whoppin 3 degrees but feels like 2? Really!? You know it's too cold when you feel like the inside of your nose is already starting to form icicles as you make a 30 second walk into the building. I don't like you freezing cold weather, please warm up soon.