So, even though I've been crippled for the last 2+ months, it hasn't kept me from doing many fun and great things. Here's the quick and condensed version (with lots of pictures)...
My parents wanted a last little vacation before summer ended so we (Mom, Dad, Jonny Boy and myself) went to Orange County where we went to the beach, an Angels baseball game, and California Adventure. And yes, I was on crutches or my awesome little "scoot, scoot" the whole time.

Huntington Beach

Huntington Beach

Angels game

Me & JonBoy at the Angels game

Mother & Padre at the Angels game
Utah State Fair! Best parts... seeing Boyz II men and of course riding The Zipper aka my ALL TIME FAVORITE ride!

Me & Case at the State Fair

Boyz II Men concert

The Boyz themselves

Emily, Casey, Brooke, Lauren, & myself after the concert
(notice Brookie in her wonderful USHER vest- yes she worked at the State Fair)

Carni rides
Emiliha turns 24

Emily, Lauren, Kiera, Carly
Brooke, Christian, Tristan, me, and Michael

the Birthday girl
Sixteen Candles pose
Will's soccer games

cute Caden

Will after the game
Random weekend nights

Kiera, Shelene, & myself at "Ryan's Lake" in Herriman, the night before the huge fires

Mine and Brookie's wonderful b-day cake for Zach, Mark, and Jake

Nickelcade for the boys' birthday!

Real Game
Hanson Concert!!!!

I never would have thought 13 years ago (when my love for Hanson first started) that I'd ever be this close to them

myself, Casey, Brooke and (illegal/underage) Hayley at the Hanson concert
Chili Fest!
Our dear sweet friend Sister Whitney "Weiner" Morris started Chili Fest a few years ago and we have kept it going even with her away from us serving in Russia. We do it every 6 months in between Saturday conference sessions

5 different chilis

Many amazing people