Sunday, September 12, 2010

What it's all about

I was sitting in my new ward in sacrament meeting today and we had a man from the stake and his wife come and talk to us. Before they got up their adorable daughter with Down syndrome got up and gave her "talk." She's in 5th grade and she had written it all by herself. It was one of the sweetest things ever. And then her mom got up after and spoke about her love for her daughter and what a joy and a blessing she is in their life, even though when she was first born and they found out she had Down syndrome and they thought it would be a very trying thing their life. Her talk was mostly about the hard times in our lives and how much we have going on in our lives right now but not to give up hope and faith. She kept tying things in about her cute, sweet daughter. I of course starting crying. There I was in the middle of sacrament meeting in a new ward, where I basically know no one, crying my eyes out. I bet I looked like a crazy person but I don't care because it just really hit me and made me so grateful for the amazing job I have and the amazing children I get to work with everyday. I really needed that little reminder and pick me up. I've been loving my new job but it's also been kind of tough and stressful- just trying to get everything that goes with a new school year worked out and running smoothly can make you go a little crazy. Seeing that sweet girl and her mom was exactly what I needed today, to get me energized for a new week and to help me remember what it's all about. It doesn't matter that my room is still not organized exactly how I want it, or that I feel like I constantly have so much to do, or that I'm not pleasing every parent every second of everyday. All that matters is that we're helping those children grow and progress and most the time they do more for me than I probably do for them. I love those little tender mercies and the things that really help us reflect on what's important in life.


  1. this makes me miss working with special needs kids! They are so precious. They really do remind you of everything that's good. Even if they are challenging at times (tomesti). love you!

  2. you really do have the best job in the world. I sure do miss it! I hope you're enjoying your class! Let me know if you need anything. PS...Glee starts on Tuesday. Holla! :)
